Hol van az ugrás? Hol van a Mókus?

Ugorj Mókus

Concept of hitsuzen

The concept of hitsuzen (必然), first introduced by Yūko. Hitsuzen has no direct translation into English, but can be interpreted as referring to "inevitability", destiny, or fate. Interpreting hitsuzen as "fate" is not inaccurate, but in the context of the story, "fate" is implied as something that is immutable and definite, giving the idea that whoever is bound by fate is nothing more than its puppet. Instead, hitsuzen is the idea that an action is inevitable because without it, other related events in the future could not happen. Therefore all decisions and actions are related, and there can be no coincidence, only hitsuzen.
"There are no coincidences, only hitsuzen"

K megmondja

Nem értem egyesek miért nem hiszik el, amikor azt mondom, h a palacsintatésztába nem kell cukrot rakni. Nem, nem azért, mert leragad tőle, hanem azért, mert elbassza a tészta ízét. Szomszédom is csak addig ellenkezet, amíg kedden neki nem álltam én kikeverni a palacsintatésztát. Azóta folyamatosan palacsinta sütésre vagyok kényszerítve :).

the Servants - Cells

It'll all click when the mortgage clears
All our fears will disappear
Now you go to bed
I'm staying here
I've got another level that I want to clear
My skin feels like orange peel
My eyes have been vacuum-sealed
My organs move like a squirm of eels
We should be more adventurous with our meals
They annoy me those who employ me
They could destroy me
They should enjoy me
We eat chinese off our knees
And look for each other in the TV screen

The sun goes up and the sun goes down
I drag myself into the town
All I do I want to do with you
Everyday I'm at my desk
At my desk I'm like the rest
All I do I want to do with you

On the city's skin they move on mass
Like a rash on the back of a manky cat
Now in I go like a fool
I can't resist dipping in the pool
I watch them watch me I watch them too
Across the street across the room
I dress myself like a charcoal sketch
My eyes are brown and my hair's a mess
They annoy me those who employ me
They could destroy me
They should enjoy me
We eat chinese off our knees
And look for each other in the TV screen

The sun goes up and the sun goes down
I drag myself into the town
All I do I want to do with you
Everyday I'm at my desk
At my desk I'm like the rest
All I do I want to do with you
The sun goes up..

The cells I am at the moment will soon die
But I will be here
Oh I'll still be here
The cells I am at the moment will soon die
But I will be here
Oh I'll still be here

The sun goes up…

Everyday everyday everyday...

Dir en Grey - Child Pray

Dying a Child
Child Prey
Hurry & May
Nurturing a Wild
Wild clay
Bully & Jay
the reasons why one can't laugh from the heart
the treasons which one can't take from the heart
it's a simple reason
it's a nimble treason
that's life
Kiss Me Deadly
What a knife
Pass Me Dreadly
Kiss Me Kill Me Love Me
Kiss Me Kill Me Love Me
Child Is Burning
Pass Me Tell Me Move Me
Pass Me Tell Me Move Me
Wild Is Turning
Kiss Me Kill Me Love Me
Kiss Me Deadly
Pass Me Tell Me Move Me
Pass Me Dreadly

Summa summarum

Péntek lázas munka, önéletrajz és motivációs levél szerkesztése :). Este mandulás forrócsoki finom beszélgetéssel fűszerezve, főfogásnak hajnali 3ig sütögélés a szomszéddal, mer hát ugye mikor máskor ha nem holdvilágos megvilágításban. 
Szombaton össze lett hangolva a szerájos csípősszósz kókuszos fehércsokival (úgy látszik ez visszatérő motívum lesz az életemben), s igen még mindig műszeri pontossággal kell enni :). Törött újra vérnarancslikőr, álmatlanságra Pubertus "álompora". Egy élmény volt :D!
Vasárnap estére  Queen  Margot  is bevégezte,  szép volt, jó volt minden, ma reggel azért  8kor úgy döntöttem, h még nem heverhettem ki a királynőt, amikor anyám ilyet mondott nekem, h most utaztatják az előző életébe. Végülis kiderült, h nem haluztam, s jól hallottam. Meglepetésemre délutánra  már táncikálva főzőgettem (vagyis anyám főzött, én néztem és táncoltam).

A nyár is megoldva, apussal fogunk túrázgatni, hahaha mondtam is neki, na akkor jól megnővesztem a hajamat, hagy lobogjon majd utánam, azt lasszózva szedem fel a csajokat :).

A Péntek - Hétfő hajanli időintervallumban velem valamilyen interaktivításba kerülő emberkéknek köszönet, nem tudtam minden emlékezetes dolgot kiírni, de hey, thx! Péntekre a frappáns meghívót még mindig várom :D, huh és 9ikei milkshake nagyon jóóó lessssz!

The Underdog Project - Summer Jam

This ain't nothing but a summer jam
Bronze skin and cinnamon tans whoa!
This ain't nothing but a summer jam
We're gonna party as much as we can
Hey-yeah, ooh, hey-yeah
Summer jam alright
Hey-yeah, ooh, hey-yeah

Tonight hotties wearing "Prada"-skirts
Real tight temperature is rising
Feelin' real hot in the heat of the night
Midnight the party won't stop
until the moon light
I'm skopin' out the hotties with the light eyes
Be with me tonight

Can't get you outta my mind
I can't lie
Cause a girl like you is so hard to find
I'm waiting for the day to make you mine
Cause I can't take it

This ain't nothing but a summer jam
Bronze skin and cinnamon tans whoa!
This ain't nothing but a summer jam
We're gonna party as much as we can
Hey-yeah, ooh, hey-yeah
Summer jam alright
Hey-yeah, ooh, hey-yeah

Moonlight cruisin' down the boulevard
Strobe lights watching you your body's tight
Alright looking kinda freaky to me

Can't get you out of my mind
I can't lie
Cause a girl like you is so hard to find
I'm waiting for the day to make you mine
Cause I can't take it

This ain't nothing but a summer jam
Brown skin and cinnamon tans whoa!
This ain't nothing but a summer jam
We're gonna party as much as we can
Hey-yeah ooh hey-yeah
Summer jam alright
Hey-yeah ooh hey yeah

This ain't nothing but a summer jam
Bronze skin and cinnamon tans whoa!
This ain't nothing but a summer jam
We're gonna party as much as we can

This ain't nothing but a summer jam
Brown skin and cinnamon tans whoa!
This ain't nothing but a summer jam
We're gonna party as much as we can
Hey-yeah ooh hey-yeah
Summer jam alright
Hey-yeah ooh hey yeah
Summer jam alright
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